Some of the thing we have learned;
If you want to calm one of your sunbeams when they're running around the room, and will not respond to their name or questions, simply pick them up and place them on your lap. They will snuggle into whatever burrowing points exist on your sitting torso and fall asleep. This may or may not include arms at odd angles, snoring, an unfamiliar hand resting on/ fondling your chest, and lets not forget, drool.
David really was capable of slaying Goliath. As proved by one of our sunbeams, little people are at a rather large advantage against someone four times their height and seven times their weight. Who would have guessed? Well Little Leah took Riley on this last Sunday and these last ratios I stated are exactly the odds they were at. No biggie,right? Wrong. As she was trying to wriggle away from Teacher she wriggled Riley right to his knees and wriggled some odd muscles in his back right into surrender. Tears. Literal tears were coming from that large man's eyes a full two hours after the fact. I now have a stronger testimony of the story of David and Goliath.
Everything must be fair. This or all of life as we know it will fall apart on our heads. Sometimes this results in 4 opening prayers for Sunday school and 3 closing prayers. Hey! More blessings in our Sunday school class. I'm happy.
Some people, mostly children ( but not always) , think "fair" means everyone gets a turn except them. They get three. Then all is fair.
Every child is actually very different. We learned this while practicing operation "place child on lap and commence drooling " on a child other than the one we discovered this apparently flawed principle with. On one occasion in singing time another of our kids was in the middle of demonstrating his superior intelligence by refusing to sing the song. In all actuality he is very smart. He learned the song the first time through and then when we were about to start it again he proclaimed loudly " I already know this song, so I don't have to sing it again.". Cute right? Down right impressive! The only problem with this is that the other kids start to copy him and then they don't learn the song. Anyhow, he was in the middle of the superiority demonstration, sitting with Riley because he was acting out, and then suddenly between notes of something like "Follow the Prophet" we hear the fascinated words "Ooh. Blood!", look over and there's our charmer smearing blood from his bitten lip all over Riley's suite coat. Hilarious! But definitely not drool...
Things we teach our Sunbeam's;
It's not polite to look under the stall door when your classmates are in the restroom.
What the meaning of fair is.
To be thankful. Thankful for things like our eyes, our ears, our family, for animals, water, and for birds.But when we ask our sunbeams what they're thankful for the most common response is usually toys. We also always hear Mom, or Dad in there too. Just heart melting :)
"We don't pull our dresses up above our heads, because they belong around our knees. Why? So we can be modest. Plus if that's the way they were supposed to me made they would have wire to hold them up instead of the way they're made. Make them swoosh instead. It's more fun and it's prettier" .
If you're Riley- That the sheep that shepherds watched when Christ was born say "Baa".
How to pray.
How to be loving to others.
But most importantly, and what seems to stick the best, that God is our Heavenly Father and he loves us. And that Jesus Christ paid for our sins, is Heavenly Fathers son and he loves us too. This is also one of the greatest things I've learned all over again. The fact that it is so obvious to these young children and that they understand that our Heavenly Father loves us and watches over us. It reminds me of all the sweet truths I've learned through my life and reminds me that they're real.
So this ends our brief encounter with what Riley and I have learned in Primary. As well as a few of the funnier and more important things that we teach. The primary is a great place to be serving and we love every minute of it.